"I am medically diagnosed as disabled, but whatever my label I am and will be whatever I choose to be".

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Christmas Music in November

My family and I start listening to Christmas music as soon as it comes on the radio. I love Christmas music so much because it kind of takes me back to a time when the price of a gift given made no difference, when the quality of the thought behind it was what mattered. Since I have worked at Walmart and seen what the holidays have now turned into it has helped me  realize how much more important it is to just enjoy the small things of the this season. Christmas music just puts me in an awesome mood! Christmas music and the old claymation Christmas movies are traditions for our family. I'm interested what are yours??
Elvis Presley and Bing Crosby are major Christmas music artists for my family

1 comment:

  1. We used to watch these same shows when we were growing up and they are still favorites of mine too. I am glad to see that the tradition has been passed down to the next generation. Love you
