"I am medically diagnosed as disabled, but whatever my label I am and will be whatever I choose to be".

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Obama, Devil, Antichrist, Inducing Chemical Warfare on the people?? (Sodumb whatever just read this okay)

Okay so maybe I can help to set some things straight for some people. Trust me I've seen the face of the Devil in my life but I have seen the face of GOD too. Barack Obama is not God, Devil, Antichrist, or secretly inducing Chemical Warfare on the people of this nation. Me being sick has nothing to do with the election or Barack Obama. Barack Obama a Son, a Brother, a Husband, a Father, and HE IS PRESIDENT so go ahead and get over it people. I will state this again he is NOT God, he is NOT the Devil, and he is NOT the Antichrist! HE IS SIMPLY A MAN!!

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