"I am medically diagnosed as disabled, but whatever my label I am and will be whatever I choose to be".

Monday, November 26, 2012

Roberts Thanksgiving 2012

My family and I just recently had one of the BEST Thanksgivings EVER! The only thing that would've made it any better is if my mom could've made it!!  I made a pretty awesome Coconut Cream Poke Cake if I do say so myself! My nephews Jordan and Adrian got down on most of that! Here are some pictures!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

"Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree"

We haven't had a real Christmas tree in years! I was really starting to miss the Christmas tree smell that used to fill our house! So, I talked and talked about it for weeks! We all finally decided to get one this year! The next question was where would we get one? We called around to a few places with no such luck! We found out that Allsups sold them so we were going to go pick one up then, we got to thinking how long had those Christmas trees really been sitting there??? So we went to Walmart and yes they sell them, but "how long had those been sitting there?" We actually go to church with a family that owns a Christmas tree farm right outside of town. The price is 34$ for a tree no matter the size! Get a tree as big as you want! We thought it was great! You know just how fresh they are because you cut them down yourself on site! They are just as natural as can be! It really is an awesome place! They have Christmas cookies, tree ornaments, candy canes, and warm cider ready for you (the kids really loved that)! So, here's to our real Christmas tree!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Friends, Family, Lovers, and Enemies

For myself I am finding out that in life you meet lots of people, some are friends, family, lovers, or enemies. Some friends become your family, your lover, or an enemy. The true constants in life, those that began as your family, they will always be your family. Then there are those friends that in the end become family. Friends, lovers, and enemies come and go. Your family is a forever thing.

Monday, November 19, 2012

If Being a Teacher means I have to Wipe Snotty Booger Faces, Then Iwill do it Because....

Life isn't meant to be simple or clean. Life is meant to be messy and fun, life is meant to be lived. When you can be a positive role model, and teacher to a small child you can make a difference in that child's whole life. I have a teacher who did that for me. So I won't only teacher because I LOVE children I will teach so that I can be that influential person for someone else.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Mornin' Classes with Good Ole' Dusti Jo:)

So I have this friend named Dusti, we have classes and work together too!

This is what we do between classes: